June 30, 2010

How To Make Your Design Stand Out

In This Detailed Tutorial We Can Grasp A Better Understanding Of How Important It Is To Include Small Details Within Our Design Such As Highlights And Shadows

June 29, 2010

Talkmore Logo

Logo of the Day

Interested In Screen Printing?

Screen Printing is a Process I have Always Been Fascinated With. After Studying It and Seeing It First Hand I Wondered, What Does It Take To Design For A Screen Print. Well If Your Asking the Same Question as Me Here Is Your Answer

June 28, 2010


Rebranding Can Be a Exciting and A Nerve Wrecking Process For Both The Designer and The Client, Here is an Example of a Successful Rebrand For the Portland Timbers Soccer Team

Evolution Of The Fifa World Cup Logo

The Fifa World Cup Has Progressed Over the Years
A Great Example Of Well Thought Out Package Design by Kristina Krogh Larsen a Student @ Danish School of Media

Web Design Tutorial - Overflow Property

A Very Handy Tutorial that Explains The Use Of The Overflow Property in CSS


A Great Example Of Good Prototyping Methods and Ethics

Your One Stop Shop For Shortcuts

This is Amazing, Simply Type in your favorite Program or One You Would Like to Know More About and It Will Show You A List Of Shortcuts For That Particular Program

Logo Improvement

Its Amazing What You Can Accomplish With The Use of the Smooth Tool and Golden Angles in Illustrator. Here Is the Before and After of a Logo I had Done for A Client Awhile Back.

Bento Box Art

The Many Uses of a Bento Box, What Will They Think of Next!

The Sad Truth About Printers

This Hilarious Example of the Problems We Run Into While Working for Printers is Sadly Very True and Something I am Sure We Can All Relate To


A Very Detailed Info-Graphic About The World of Programing

June 23, 2010

Inspiration of the Day

A Great Example of Photo Manipulation

June 21, 2010

This is A Very Interesting Documentary About The Dying Breed Of Hand Painted Advertisements In NY

Inspiration of the Day

This Article Breaks Down The Creative Process. It Also Might Help Explain To Your Client/Boss On What Steps We as Designers Take While Working On A Project

Batman Logo Evolution

Batman, What is There Not to Love About This Guy. With Almost Every Movie and Comic Series DC Puts Out He Seems to Re-Brand Himself Completely, Yet Still Seem So Familiar. Along with this Logo of the Day I Have Decided to Include a Great Example of These Iconic Changes Batman Has Undergone

June 20, 2010


Celebrating My 1,000th View On My Blog
Thank You Everyone Who Has Supported My Cause

June 19, 2010

Inspiration of the Day

This Could not be Anymore True

Logo of the Day

Although It Could Not Work On All Medians, It Is a Clever Idea Nevertheless.
This Has Nothing to Do with Design , But It Is Very Entertaining Click Here....
Hey everyone needs a break, ill be back on schedule starting today! Expect new posts and also a new daily post of the day. Thanks for being patient everyone.

June 16, 2010

This is a Fully Functional Steam Punk Mouse I Found Online.
Logo of the Day

June 15, 2010

This Amazing Short by Ian Worrel is a Great Example of Thinking Outside the Box By Using Many Different uses of Media. Ian Manages to Sneak in Everything from Straight Pencil and Paper to Coloring in Photoshop, He Also Makes Use of Various Other Pieces of Media such as Inks,Paint, and Photography.

This is a Great Diagram I Have Found That Visually Explains the Terminology of Typography
Logo of the Day

June 14, 2010

This Was One of the Many Photos snapped by Nicolas Evariste While on a Trip to the Zoo, You Can Find More of His Work Here...
Logo of the Day

June 13, 2010

Inspiration of the Day
Logo of the Day

June 12, 2010

This is Awesome, Poor Lady

June 11, 2010

Logo of the Day
What More Can I Say, Kudos Black Sun Entertainment

June 10, 2010

I Couldn't Officially Start my Logo of the Day Any Other Way
This is a Fully Printed Game Board Re-design Created by Andy Mangold, Unfortunately it is Not For Sale!

June 9, 2010

This is an Amazing Example of Stop-Motion. In under 3 minutes Adam Berg Manages to Display a Twisted Plot of Crime and Deception.
Logo of the Day

June 8, 2010

With the Advancements of HTML5 and Web Standards Skeptics are Predicting that We Will See A Fall In Flash In The Near Future

Letterpress Coasters from Paper Fortress on Vimeo.

This is a Great Video Displaying What Kind of Work Goes Into Your Design After You Have Delivered Your Final Comp.

June 7, 2010

Apple has done it Again, so a couple new things were announced today at the WWDC conference today:

1st off. Netflix on iPhone... simply amazing
2nd. The new video chat (that Apple of course gave a nickname "Facetime") requires you to be on a WiFi connection,Fail
3rd. The new OS is Free!!!
4th. Screen Resolution is a phenomenal 326 pixels per inch, which once again Apple decided to give it a clever nickname of "Retina Eye"

June 6, 2010

Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.

What the World Would be Like if it Were Ran By Logos

I found this Today, An Amazing Website For An Amazing Toy Company! Link...

June 2, 2010

June 1, 2010

Inspiration of The Day
Why I Love Info-Graphics!